Opening: Sat. February 20th, 2021

Palazzina #09 20/02/2021—25/04/2021

Camille Dumond Leolie Greet San Keller Philémon Otth Sara Ravelli

Sara Ravelli. Tamed Love. Quilted fabrics, nylon, unfired clay, satin, polyester, rope, salt, iron structure and hair pins. Variable dimensions. 2020.
Sara Ravelli. Tamed Love. Quilted fabrics, nylon, unfired clay, satin, polyester, rope, salt, iron structure and hair pins. Variable dimensions. 2020.
Sara Ravelli. Tamed Love. Quilted fabrics, nylon, unfired clay, satin, polyester, rope, salt, iron structure and hair pins. Variable dimensions. 2020.
Sara Ravelli. Tamed Love. Quilted fabrics, nylon, unfired clay, satin, polyester, rope, salt, iron structure and hair pins. Variable dimensions. 2020.
Sara Ravelli. Tamed Love. Quilted fabrics, nylon, unfired clay, satin, polyester, rope, salt, iron structure and hair pins. Variable dimensions. 2020.
Sara Ravelli. Untitled. Lead, 18,5 x 0,5 cm. 2019.
Leolie Greet. Seeking traces, I left mine. Silicon, pigment, plaster, cotton, polystyrol, polystyrol-glass, steel, collected plants and crystal necklace. 30 x 25 x 3 cm. 2021.
Leolie Greet. Seeking traces, I left mine. Silicon, pigment, plaster, cotton, polystyrol, polystyrol-glass, steel, collected plants and crystal necklace. 30 x 25 x 3 cm. 2021.
Leolie Greet. Seeking traces, I left mine. Silicon, pigment, plaster, cotton, polystyrol, polystyrol-glass, steel, collected plants and crystal necklace. 30 x 25 x 3 cm. 2021.
Leolie Greet. Seeking traces, I left mine. Silicon, pigment, plaster, cotton, polystyrol, polystyrol-glass, steel, collected plants and crystal necklace. 30 x 25 x 3 cm. 2021.
Leolie Greet. Seeking traces, I left mine. Silicon, pigment, plaster, cotton, polystyrol, polystyrol-glass, steel, collected plants and crystal necklace. 30 x 25 x 3 cm. 2021.
Philémon Otth. Breakout. Steel, painting and plaster. 197 x 110 cm. 2021.
Philémon Otth. Breakout. Steel, painting and plaster. 197 x 110 cm. 2021.
Philémon Otth. Hell Money. Paper, 39 x 31 cm. 2021.
Installation view.
Camille Dumond. The Managed Heart (ft. Mirror line). Glazed earthenware, metal, mirrors and stones. 50 x 50 x 50 cm. 2021.
Camille Dumond. The Managed Heart (ft. Mirror line). Glazed earthenware, metal, mirrors and stones. 50 x 50 x 50 cm. 2021.
Camille Dumond. Eye archive group (Technopark Tanger).Switzerland, Morocco. Documentary essay, 43 min., HD, color, sound. Arabic darija, English subtitles. 2020.
Camille Dumond. Extra lives. Glazed earthenware, metal and stones. 30 x 30 x 5 cm. each. In collaboration with Oulja craft workshops, Salé (P.Sahara). 2020.
Camille Dumond. Hold may end. Glazed earthenware, 30 x 25 x 3 cm. 2021.

This show included a work from San Keller:
Alemannengasse. Performance. 2021.
The residents of the Palazzina at Alemannengasse 60 in 4058 Basel hand over a house key to San Keller for the duration of the exhibition Palazzina #09
Duration, location: 20.2.- 24.4.2021, Alemannengasse, 4058 Basel
Materials: House key (SEA VISION, 2/60568, 1080, Blaser Basel), torch
Participants: San Keller, residents of Palazzina, residents of Alemannengasse.

Text by Valeska Marina Stach, Kunstbulletin April 21 ↓ Basler Zeitung, 10. April 2021 ↓

Photos: Guadalupe Ruiz.